『詩画集 目に見えぬ詩集』特装版 直刷り木版画入り 夫婦箱納(美篶堂製)

『詩画集 目に見えぬ詩集』特装版 直刷り木版画入り 夫婦箱納(美篶堂製)


第56回造本装幀コンクール 出版文化産業振興財団賞を受賞いたしました。

『詩画集 目に見えぬ詩集』1冊、沙羅さんの原画1点が夫婦箱に入った美篶堂製の特装版です。夫婦箱は美篶堂の製本職人が丁寧に仕上げました。原画は4種類の中からお好きな絵柄をお選び頂けます。100個の限定販売です(エディション付き)。

夫婦箱:別珍、タイトル箔押し、縦183mm x 横144mm x 厚さ30mm
詩画集:『詩画集 目に見えぬ詩集』縦164mm x 横128mm x 厚さ15mm 
原画 :木版画(和紙)縦110mm x 横105mm





書籍『詩画集 目に見えぬ詩集』の情報はこちらをご覧ください。


Poetry Art Book: Unseen Poems is an art book
of Shuntaro Tanikawa’s poems combined with beautiful woodblock prints.

Misuzudo bindery, which has worked with Tanikawa on numerous projects, was in charge of selecting the poems and binding the book.
Each book was carefully bound by hand by Misuzudo’s bookbinders.

The typeface used in the book is Asamoya, an original typeface
created for Tanikawa by a type designer, Osamu Torinoumi.

This book was sold in bookstores as a general book,
of which 100 copies were made into a specially bound book.

The specially bound book contains the book and the woodblock print
in a velvet-lined box.


Poetry Art Book: Unseen Poems
Author: Shuntaro Tanikawa (poems) and Sara (wood prints)
Editing and Bookbinding: Misuzudo Bindery
Deisgner: Fumiyo Moriya
Printer: Yamada Photo Process Co., Ltd.
Publisher: Book&Design and Misuzudo Bindery

Typefaces: Yu-mincho and Asamoya
Paper: Araveal-FS White (Takeo Co., Ltd.)
Ink: Wide color gamut offset inks (Toyo Ink Co., Ltd.)
Screen: FM Screen


